I'm so glad it's Friday. It has been a busy week and I am so tired. Just finished my lunch lady shift at the high school. Those gals are always so fun to work with. I was glad to be able to fill in for someone who had a family tragedy.
On Tuesday I sat with my Grandma while my Mom went to the doctor. My Grandma is 91 years old and recently had a stroke. She is getting better, but is having trouble speaking and has had profound memory loss. She is a sweetheart and I know this is so hard for her. She is tired and says she is ready to go. She moved in with my Mom and Pop last week and will most likely live with them for the remainder of her days. Since I live only a couple minutes from my parents, I have offered to help out whenever I can.
Wednesday brought me back to the dentist where I had to get a cavity filled. I can't believe that at 42 years old I have a cavity, two actually. The second one won't be filled until January as that was the soonest I could get in. After the lovely dentist appointment, I drove to Silverton to see my good friend Joy to give her a hand with stuff in her shop. She is getting ready for a big sale and a Christmas Open House. She has a lot to do, but I am not worried as I know she will pull it all together in time. She is amazing and her energy always surprises me. She is like the Energizer Bunny and never slows down. We had a very nice lunch with her oldest son, Dusty, who I had never met before.
Here are just few of the million cats Joy has hanging out at her house. How many do you see in this box? I think I counted five, but you can only see three heads.
Wednesday brought me back to the dentist where I had to get a cavity filled. I can't believe that at 42 years old I have a cavity, two actually. The second one won't be filled until January as that was the soonest I could get in. After the lovely dentist appointment, I drove to Silverton to see my good friend Joy to give her a hand with stuff in her shop. She is getting ready for a big sale and a Christmas Open House. She has a lot to do, but I am not worried as I know she will pull it all together in time. She is amazing and her energy always surprises me. She is like the Energizer Bunny and never slows down. We had a very nice lunch with her oldest son, Dusty, who I had never met before.

Here are just few of the million cats Joy has hanging out at her house. How many do you see in this box? I think I counted five, but you can only see three heads.
As I am unable to go anywhere near a thrift store without stopping, I did manage to make a quick trip into the Silverton Goodwill. I'm so glad I did as I found two floral paintings, a cool copper colored tray, (perfect for fall decorating) and a cute pink rose pin. The large roses painting, rose pin and tray were all 50% off.

Close up of the leaves on the tray's handle.

Unfortunately I didn't finish any projects this week. I worked a little bit on another little French inspired project which I will share with you next week.
I love how a lot of bloggers like to do giveaways. How fun is it to get something cool for free? A lot of bloggers will do a giveaway at their 100th post. Well, that is just too long for me to wait, so I decided that I am going to do one on my 50th post which is coming up pretty soon. So stay tuned as they say. Details coming soon!
I almost forgot. Just wanted to give a shout out thank you to Becky for sending me the cute roses greeting on my sidebar. Thanks so much Becky, you are a sweetheart!
Hi Lisa,
it's so nice you live so close to your parents and can help with your grandma. How sad she's lost memory.
I do love what you picked up, those paintings, particularly the one on the left, are fantastic finds!!!
Sure enjoyed *meeting* your lovely grandma today!!
Oh, those paintings! That one on the left especially! GORGEOUS!!
Your grandma looks like a sweetie!! Hope she keeps getting better!
Love you finds!! What deals!!
How Great is it That You still have Your Grandma, She Looks remarkable for 91. Enjoy every moment you can with her, makes me miss my grandma so much.
Love Your Thrifting Treasures. Thank You for stopping by my blog and for your sweet comments :)
Those roses on your sidebar are lovely. Is that a Victorian design?
Your grandmother looks like a really special lady. I am sure you treasure the moments you spend with her. I was sorry to hear about her stroke.
Your grandmother is beautiful. She looks so happy siting there having her "beauty struck" as my grandmother would have said. I'll bet when she sleeps, there's no memory loss at all...the painting are lovely
Your Grandma looks like such a sweet lady - thanks for introducing her!
I LOVE your thrift store finds.. I really am partial to the silver tray..pretty!
that painting looks like it was done from my favorite vintage book, "how to paint roses" by Lola Ades. I love all the pictures in it and sometimes come across paintings people have done from the book.
Lisa your grandma is so sweet!
You are so lucky to have her close by...
Enjoy your time with her!
I enjoyed meeting you grandma, she looks like a very sweet lady. Love all your finds..the tray is great. I love silver trays and I'm always on the lookout for them. Linda
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